March 26, 2025 ()


Location and Fees

The Kansas City Community Mikvah is located at Kehilath Israel Synagogue, 10501 Conser, Overland Park. The community Mikvah of the Kansas City area is run by the Kansas Mikvah Association, inc. The Kansas City Community Mikvah is generously supported by Mikvah USA and the Jewish Community Foundation.

The annual membership fee is $180. Checks are to be made out to the “Kansas Mikvah Association”, please contact us for the mailing address or place in the tzedakah box at your next visit. The fee covers all monthly mikvah visits for a year, unlimited use of the mikvah for tevilat kaylim (immersion of utensils), and men’s use before the holidays or as needed. Non-members, or those who opt not to pay yearly dues, will be assessed $18 per use for any of the above purposes.

Rabbi Mark Glass and Rabbi Moshe Grussgott are the supervising rabbis.

Scheduling an Appointment

To make an appointment to use Mikvah Zichron Tzvi: The Kansas City Community Mikvah, please contact us via e-mail at at least three days in advance. 

Tevilat Kaylim (Immersion of Utensils)

There is a crate available in the mikvah room closet, and supplies (i.e. nail polish remover) are available in the prep room. Please do not remove these from the mikvah. For everyone’s safety, use the well immediately to your left as you walk in, NOT the pool. If something breaks, please clean it up to the best of your ability and immediately contact the KI office and/or a mikvah attendant.  To make arrangements for tevilat kaylim, call the KI office at (913) 642-1880 during business hours.


Conversions are to be arranged through a local rabbinic authority. Please call to make arrangements with the KI office. A fee will be assessed.